A Noir Thank You to Everyone

The voices of detectives, villains and femmes fatales in the castle premises and in the cinema located below the castle have fallen silent and the 12th Noir Film Festival has been over for more than two weeks…
So let me first of all thank everyone who made the past festival of film noir possible – from the programmers, production, festival centre, subtitle translators, PR, technicians, venue staff, the „Black Market“, HamTam catering, Kávy pitel café and others. Of course, we would also like to thank our partners, donors and the administration of Český Šternberk Castle, without whom we would not have been able to meet for the twelfth time and talk about interesting (not only film) experiences.
And last but not least, thank you, the visitors, for coming to the festival again in large numbers and enjoying all fifty festival screenings, you were great!
Finally, I apologize to those who did not enjoy the film screenings as much as they expected due to the higher temperature in two halls. I promise that we will try to provide a „cooler environment“ in them at next year’s event.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the 13th edition, enjoy the end of summer and come to the traditional autumn Echoes of the festival, which we are preparing for you, for example, in Prague’s Lucerna cinema and Brno’s Art cinema…
Vítek Grigartzik
Executive Director of the festival